A love letter to my transgender daughter

Everything I wish I said when she first came out

Transgender School
3 min readFeb 5, 2021

By Bridget Sampson

I’m so glad you’re finally here with us. I see you now. Only you. I’m sorry it took me a while. Thank you for trusting me enough to show me who you are. And thank you for teaching me that I was wrong, with so much patience and persistence. What a slow learner I have been.

Who was that person we dressed all in blue, never bothering to ask if we could be mistaken? Why did we fill her room with toy trucks and Legos and swords? What could I have done to make it safer for you so you wouldn’t have had to grapple with this all alone for 19 years? I’ll never know the answers, but here’s what I know now…

I love you as much as a human can love another. It’s such a deep love it scares me at times. I think of you many times a day and every time, I feel happy, I feel proud. I check my mental calendar to remind myself of the next time I’ll get to see you.

So many people are fascinated by you being transgender. I’m not anymore. It’s the least interesting thing about you, truly. I was consumed with confusion and curiosity at first. Then you shared all you could share, maybe all you will share, forever. And that’s more than enough.



Transgender School

Working to save lives, keep families together, and make work, school and all spaces safe for transgender people.